Z Example Resource Post
This is my example resource post. Add the most important selling points here because only the first 20 words are displayed in the summary excerpt. More details will be on the detailed page, but to get someone to click on your services, from the summary list, put your selling tag line first.
Then scroll down and enter the Resource Post information – Name, website url, and 5 of your best selling ad images with links to your best landing page for each or to the home page. The description can be left blank as it is not displayed.
Then on the right select the options, classes offered paid or free, services provided from the list and the type of entity through which you provide your services. The entity is only for the purpose of giving the customer an idea of the type of “business” structure. More and more people are avoiding corporations and seeking services of private individuals and private businesses.
Be sure to provide a business logo as the featured image. 600 x 600 is the optimal resolution for the logo.