Proof America is Under God’s Judgment

What does being under God’s judgment have to do with liberty defense?

Everything! God gave us liberty through the sacrifice of His son, Jesus Christ. (Much more on this in another post later. ) When that liberty is taken away and we as true followers of Jesus do nothing about it, there is a falling away, and a resulting judgment. This is all well described in the book of Judges over and over again.


Here are some signs that we are under God’s judgment:

  1. Trump is your idol
  2. Government and their laws are your idol
  3. American medical community is your idol
  4. success (as defined by human gurus) is your idol
  5. the constitution (instead of the principles upon which the constitution was founded) is your idol
  6. Talmud, Torah, Israel are your idols
  7. Sex and doing as you please irrespective of right and wrong, is your idol.

If you find yourself and others around you spending more time, thoughts, and actions in the above instead of in the pursuit of God, you have made that into an idol. Even cumulatively, if you don’t spend the majority of your time focusing on your pursuit of God, and following Jesus Christ, you are violating the first commandment – thou shalt have no other gods before me. Notice it is plural incorporating the cumulative not just the singular.

Now look around you. How many others are doing the same?

Read the New Testament. The scriptures clearly show the disciples were 100% engrossed in following Jesus.

Notice in Judges what God does when a nation is under his judgment. He doesn’t send out angels on white horses to rescue the people of the nation!

No! Instead he raises up judges, people who are his followers, who believe in Him and allow Him to control their every move, i.e. they surrender to Him. And it is through the judge, that God delivers His people out of the tribulation and out of the judgment he has placed them under.

Much of this is taken from the sermons from Liberty Fellowship:

  1. What Does God Require Of Us That His Judgment May Be Removed presented on 6-23-2024 by Allan Baker
  2. The New Covenant Pastors – The Spiritual Judges Of America presented on 7-9-2023 by Pastor Chuck Baldwin